Is America headed towards a government shutdown? Last year, the United States government declared that if they did not have sufficient funds by November of 2024, they would have to shut down. They introduced a temporary bill to stabilize the funds until a set deadline, which is coming up quickly. It seems like the problem has been brought back up again. In Washington, congressional leaders have announced that the short-term bill will last around three months with a possible partial government shutdown with the new budget starting on October 1st. This also has final decisions that are being pushed back until after the November election. Based on the bill funding, the typical temporary bill fund spent is based on a current level, but there has been an additional $231 million, now being placed in the budget. The additional sum has been given to the Secret Service due to the multiple assassination attempts on former president, Donald Trump, along with other reasons.
Lawmakers are struggling to reach this current bill level as the months have been closer to the approximate time of the shutdown. The Conservative members urging this point across, House Speaker Mike Johnson is temporarily funding a mandate. This mandate’s goal is to convince states to enforce the proof of citizenship in the area, as this might make a shift in numbers in the legality of citizenship. There is indecision among the politicians as they want to prevent the government shutdown, however, they don’t want to interfere with the elections or burden the next president in office with the same issue from a year ago. Neither political party would prefer this “solution,” but they believe the only way to keep pushing the deadlines and make an extension.
Hakeem Jeffries said Democrats would evaluate the bill in its entirety before this week’s vote, but with the agreement, “Congress is now on a bipartisan path to avoid a government shutdown that would hurt everyday Americans.” There shouldn’t be any panic about the possible government shutdown but be keen about the decisions about how to negotiate this problem, while also being active in the voting process. This is very important to be active in, especially with your voice counting in the votes and choosing which political party you want to have a say in the overall government’s decision on how to fix this.
All opinions shared in this article are the author’s own. This does not represent the organization.